Unlocking My Foot and Other Divine Treasures

Just when I think I have it all figured out, something goes against my norm. And sometimes for the good. 

So as I walked to my coffee pot this morning and started day-four post a foot-changing physical therapy appointment, I maneuvered with balance. The therapist messaged my foot and unlocked a few joints that now force it to pronate in instead of rolling out.

The change feels miraculous. 

A week ago, I was certain the limb required more surgery to fix the increasing pain. But I was wrong. And thankfully, even very wrong.

The striking difference was evident during my ritual late night stroll with Eggs. We don't go far. We just walk the circle that connects my kitchen and living room while my heating pad warms in the microwave.

With Don normally asleep and the lights dimmed, we play a combination of hide-and-seek and chase. If I get too close, she darts up the stairs. When I continue my stride, she sneaks up on me and pounces on the back of my leg. 

About the time she leapt out from behind a wall last night, I noticed that my legs were moving forward in parallel strides. Not long ago, my left leg extended out, tilting me sideways, throwing my balance.

But not last night. And not today. 

I even walked into Publix for their Haagen Daz ice cream BOGO sale.  And it was worth every step.

Aware that I'm still stress eating, I've concentrated my efforts on waking with a child's heart. In fact, during the day, I take a few moments to re-center and remind myself that I really believe the name of Jesus is above every other name.

No label, disease, constraint, or vacation spot holds more power over my psyche than the name of Jesus. And the longer I live, the more opportunities I have to act like I mean it.

I've been talking to someone who doesn't believe like me. Someone who's chosen to abandon a faith they feel was forced on them by their upbringing. 

While I can't change anyone's mind, I almost wish I could. I wish I could make the name of Jesus sound less trite. But our Americana Christianity has confused the real thing with a pale interpretation.

And the only way to change that is for me... and for you... to wake up tomorrow determined to live empowered and changed by the name that's above all names. 

Not only did the divine choose to suffer in our place, but scores of humanity have given their lives for His name. Beaten, stoned, threatened, and displaced, they have stood on the precipice of this life and breathed their last in honor of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

So while a therapist maneuvered my foot, setting it free, more and more, I realize there's a similar unlocking that happens in my soul as I embrace the name that makes me whole. 

I'm His child. And He is King. 

And that changes everything.

All photos courtesy of pixabay.com

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