Lily, My King Charles Cavalier Therapist

I birthed this blog only days before my third major surgery of the year. So it's taken some time to awaken my writer. But Lily, my mom's King Charles Cavalier, interrupted coffee time this morning when she noticed the cat sunning on the back porch. Her brown pleading eyes begged for an open door. I consented only to watch her race from the back yard to the front and to the back again. When I called out the front door one last frantic time, she sauntered through the house having entered the back door, wet, from crossing the creek.

Home alone, I scooted to the laundry room in search of a dog towel. It was then I decided I don't need visiting nurse to offer in home therapy. I just need Lily dog. When I've lounged on mom's bed longer than she can handle, she yips and barks at me till I get up. Most of the time she wants me to let her out the back door where she barks bold and loud, clearing the space of unwelcome critters. Other times I think she just wants me out of bed.

I don't give in all the time. I just had an ankle reconstruction five days ago. This girl deserves some rest. But I love how she can reach a place no therapist goes. I love how she cuddles at times and then pushes me at others, keeping me from staying too long in the mental never-never land I visit after swallowing pain meds. 

It's been a little harder to write this go round even though this recovery seems easier than my left ankle reconstruction ten months ago. I lay in bed, sink into myself, and detach from community.

But then Lily dog nudges me. She reminds me it's worth maneuvering onto the scooter even if just for one spin around the house. Even to just let her out to roam free for a while.

When tired, worn out, and  hardly able to take care of ourselves, it's easy to detach. Do you have a Lily dog in your life? A person, animal, or child that keeps you going when you want to cave in? It's just another way God intervenes with His creation and keeps us on track; straight on the journey to more of him.

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