The Divine Run-in Day and Megan's Wish

Our newly installed Old Dutch Hanging Pot Rack greeted me as I blazed the trail to my coffee maker this morning. Easy to reach cookware beckoned me to enhance our culinary experience (a Christmas gift finally in place). But a puppy bath and re-installation of our kitchen ceiling fan took precedence.

[Besides, due to the Historic. Catastrophic. Epic. Ice event! our power could have gone out at any moment.]

So as the clean pup dried and Don rested from his endeavors, I turned to Facebook where a status caught my eye. A memory from the not so far corners came into focus and I realized it was THAT girl whose daughter is very sick, in need of a miracle.

I met Stacy in Victoria's Secret last Christmas. I don't shop there much. Only at Christmas for a few modest undergarments. But I had the craziest run-ins while sorting through sale items last December.

The first involved a couple from church I hadn't seen in years. When I realized I was only feet away from the husband, it took a minute but I finally blurted, "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say hello while running into you in the back corner of this store, but it's just been too long!"

We shared a good laugh, caught up on each others lives, and relished holiday serendipity.

About the time they left, I ran into a mother/daughter duo I hadn't seen in years. When I learned the daughter was in nursing school, we started talking Mitochondrial Disease. Their family knew me before the diagnosis so I explained how the powerhouses of my cells don't work well. As we chatted, another woman walked up and asked, "Are you talking about mitochondrial disease? My daughter has it."

So there, on the other side of the sale rack, another lengthy, sweet conversation took place. I learned Stacy tackles her daughter's illness with rare faith. She knows the long term outlook isn't good but exudes a peace in Christ you don't run into every day - especially in that store.

She friended me on Facebook before I got home and I saw her posts on occasion. But the connection blurred -- until today when I realized it's her sweet girl that's very sick in the hospital in icy Atlanta.

As I searched for more information about her daughter, I found this video posted to her page. After watching the entire twelve minute clip from a church service at Woodstock Baptist, I was honored to simply know this family and to be one of many lifting them up as sleet and failing mitochondria interfere with normal life.

If you've got time, watch the video posted below. Please. And pray for the Cochran family.


  1. What a precious little girl! My heart goes out to her and her family, but oh, what a blessing that whole family's testimony is! Lifting them up in prayer. Thanks for sharing, Susan.

    P.S. You needed to put a Kleenex warning with this!!! :}

  2. Yes, I'm in awe of that little girl. Oh to live with simple faith. And I promise a Kleenex warning next time!


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