Some Tunes, A Card, and an Anniversary Hunt

"I think I put it on top of the coffee pot," Don bellowed from the shower.

"I've already pushed my coffee button," I yelled back, "there's nothing there."

"Maybe I put it there last year," he continued, as if I was supposed to expect a yearly anniversary card hunt.

"I don't believe you," I stated, "You haven't hidden my card. You just want to watch me hunt."

"That hurts my feelings," he replied, indignant.

We'd listened to a copy of the song I wrote for him on the CD player before he got ready for work. I woke early, drank a quick cup of coffee, and summoned him from the basement so we could enjoy the moment. I wrote it a year ago but never made it to the recording studio to create a permanent copy till this week. When Debi's song needed to be recorded too.

Pleased with myself, I didn't think much about his card. Even after he promised I would find it as I went about my daily routine.

But he called a few hours later, "Did you find your card?"

"No. I haven't found the card. And I haven't looked for it, either. I'm not hunting for a card that I'm not sure even exists. I think you're pulling my leg."

"Why, Susan," he exclaimed, "I don't know why you would think such a thing."

"Seriously?" I asked, "You thrive on this kind of stuff."

Suddenly aware that he might be telling the truth, I did a basic search after we hung up. I checked out the piano, my favorite food baskets, and my nightstand to no avail. But as I hunted, I tidied each room.

My journal and Don's Bible lay stacked on the kitchen table till I waltzed by one last time. As I made delivery rounds, I thought "Why has Don's Bible been on the kitchen table since Sunday? He reads it every day."

Still puzzled, I walked towards his quiet time chair and realized his Bible was in its normal spot. Surprised,  I looked closer at the one in my hand and saw a name in the bottom corner I didn't recognize: Steve Wood. Then I remembered Catherine and Hazel (our granddaughters) had picked up the Bible after church on Sunday, and I'd assumed it was Don's.

It wasn't. It was Mr. Woods.

The bulky mass had something tucked inside so I flipped it open. And there, hidden in Steve Wood's Bible, I found my anniversary card, complete with a photo of Thing 1 and 2 dancing merrily through life... and a very sweet note.

And that, my friends, explains it all.

Without further ado, here's my song for Don and don't miss Debi's song (that I sang at her funeral three weeks ago) posted below as well.


photo credit: zpeckler via photopin cc


  1. I've just listened to these songs on my laptop as my Kindle wouldn't let me play them-they are both so beautiful. Your song for Don especially resonated with me-having gone through,and at times still going through a tougher season in my marriage, I really appreciated the hope and love in this ( : Vicky x

  2. Thanks, Vicki! Glad you got to hear them. They sure were healing for me to write and record. It's just not easy down here... praying today that you feel a sweet touch of Him in your challenging places.


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