Praising when Pain Prevails

While internet voices debated between the life of a child and a gorilla this week, I spent hours prepping for a book signing and an upcoming student recital. But even though my schedule was full, as coffee spread through my system this morning, I chided myself for not completing a post before today.

Then I took a few steps.

Determined to use my toes as my foot rotated forward, I strolled through manageable discomfort... until a jolt of pain caused a scary yell that sent Eggs, our tabby cat, running under the bed.

As for me, I wanted to swallow an oxycodone and crawl back under the covers too. But I didn't.

I cried a little. Sent a SOS text to my Bible study girls. And then shared my angst via phone with my daughter-in-law, Courtney.

It finally dawned on me that it's hard to keep pace when searing pain hampers daily progress. By days end, I've been wiped out and out of words.

And that's the bad news.

On the flip side, one of my students wrote a princess tea party play we're performing next week. Props are strewn across my living room. A tall, painted, three-sided flat almost reaches the ceiling. And the china I never use decorates the table.

More photographic evidence proves that the Tuesday night book signing event was another success. Nathan, Josh, and I sang a favorite song.

Church friends I've known for years showed up. 

Our former neighbor, Val, came to remind us that she taught my sister and me how to boil water... or not.

 Another Susan going through her own struggles offered a big hug.

 Supportive family hung around till the room emptied.

And Rick, a graphic designer who knew Jason before I did, brought artwork that my former spouse completed years ago.

Seeing Jason's handiwork added a special touch.

And yes, I asked for this pose. Nathan sent me the photos today and I enjoy seeing me look so happy. In fact, we all look happy.
Like we love my book.

Since I'm still in a fair amount of pain, pausing to remember feels good - much like eating the bowl of frozen vanilla yogurt topped with peanut M&M's Don brought home an hour ago.

While lugging a wounded appendage has grown old, I want the sweet to outweigh the bitter. It's a daily struggle.

Tonight, I confess, the sugar intake helped.

In closing, I want to add that as I reflect back on this week, I didn't encounter one person I would give for the life of a gorilla. Not one.  

But nothing's easy in the news world these days. We're an argumentative bunch. Minions full of opinions that feel the need to verbally race on the internet highway.

It tires me out like the pain in my foot. And I have to work to stay focused on the sweet over the bitter.

But it's there. Tonight it showed up when Don brought groceries home that satisfied a physical craving.

And tomorrow morning, when the worship music begins, I'll settle into the presence that really makes all the bitter melt away. In fact, maybe I should set my mind and heart there now.

May His praise ever be on our lips.

photo credit: Lonely cat via photopin (license)
photo credit: Overly Green via photopin (license)


  1. Hugs, hugs, hugs, dear friend. I'm so sorry you are in so much pain! You know I give a standing ovation to the sugar indulgence! ;)

    Hope to get together soon!

    1. Dearest Amy, You would be surprised at how many times I think of you when I eat sugar. It's like you're the voice in my head that gives me permission to indulge. I think I like you even more for that!! Love you, girl.

  2. This was a great encouragement to me in the wee hours of a painful morning...will always praise HIM even in the midst of pain. Thanks so much!

    1. Thanks for sharing. Sorry you're hurting too. Pressing into praise sure helps but is a definite choice. Praying for you now. For hope and trust in the midst.

  3. Hi Susan, I love what you wrote about wanting the sweet to outweigh the bitter-something that feels more of a challenge when dealing with pain..But you are so right about settling into the Presence that makes all the bitter melt away-He is the only One who can give us peace amidst the pain, whether physical,emotional or mental. Thanks for the reminder :) Vicky p.s it's lovely to see your beautiful smiling face in the photos!

    1. Thanks, Vicky! Yes, He is peace in the pain. He is the good in all hard things. We had our recital Tuesday night and I slept almost all of yesterday. So very tired. But it was a good tired. And now I get to embrace summer! Love you!


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