Another New Beginning

Before I pushed the brew button on my coffee pot this morning, I called my friend, Paige. We talked at length while the warm substance awakened clear thought.

Paige encouraged me months ago to submit some of my devotional writings to an online ministry. I never did. So she got after me again a few weeks back.  This time, I determined to submit two writings before night fall. Before I crawled out of bed this morning, I received notification that one of my writings will be posted tomorrow at:
Thus the call to Paige.

A door closed three weeks ago. I'd taught voice and piano in the afternoons at a school for almost ten years. But when my third surgery in ten months interrupted this semester I knew I didn't make sense to go back. Walking away from student relationships I've held dear spawned feelings of loss I haven't processed in years.

But I knew it was time. Time to write. Time to pursue my hearts desire;  to make a difference with words and music.

And today a window of opportunity opened. And since closed doors don't always lead to open windows in three weeks time, I'm grateful for the encouragement.

The sadness of last week dissipated into hope.

He turned my mourning into dancing. (Ps. 30: 11) Has He done that for you lately? Have you seen Him open a window when He allowed a door to close?


  1. I found on Rest Ministries but your blog name drew me in. It is my life! Keep on Sister!

  2. Thanks, Tracy. Very much. You must love coffee as much as me!!


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