Readying to be Radical

While I sipped heavenly java brew at my kitchen table this morning, I missed a call from my neurologist. My phone had buzzed in silent mode by my bed - the same way it did last week when she tried to reach me.

So I emailed her.

When we finally spoke mid-morning, she made it clear that she's not ready to dismiss the white matter spots on a recent MRI of my brain. She'd consulted with a neuro-radiologist and fellow doctor, which is good. But I'm not thrilled with the fact their discussions lead to me undergoing another spinal tap to rule out MS.

My third.

Ironically, I sat enthralled in Secret Church just last Friday night as the word radical permeated my soul. David Platt (aka. Mr. Secret Church) explained how a short conversation with Brother Andrew (aka. God's Smuggler) led him to name his book: Radical . Then he introduced Brother Andrew who encouraged us from a prerecorded video.

I know Brother Andrew's amazing story - read it years ago, before smuggling Bibles into China. Seeing him, listening to David Platt, and praying for the persecuted church stirred a deep desire in me to be radical for Christ. The old Susan felt alive, ready for action, wanting to go!

And now she needs a spinal tap.

So while I'm not signing up for the next missions trip just yet, I've decided to be radical in another way. Because as we drove to Don's family farm the next day, I learned that David Platt, (Mr. Secret Church whom I greatly respect), spoke out  strongly against the movie: Heaven is for Real. 

 My heart hurt when I heard this. On one level, I understand his dismay. We often long for the assurance of what's to come without a willingness to live the Biblical lives we ought to live. We want to know Heaven is for Real without living a Radical life.

But much of the person I am today is a result of the way heaven became real when my spouse breathed his last 16 years ago. And I've decided to tell my stories in a series of blogs... because they matter.

They're kind of weird.
Not at all what I expected.

But God made heaven real and comforted my soul. And even though David Platt may argue they're far less valuable than scripture, the divine encounters changed me.

And it's my hope they will bless you.

(To be continued...)


  1. Very much looking forward to reading this upcoming series! And praying for you.

  2. Your words encourage me in my struggle to be Radical for God again like I once was in my not so diseased body years ago. Thank you..

  3. Amie... I was just so blessed by your words on FB. Thanks for posting. Words like yours keep me writing and make me smile as I wake with morning coffee... like right now! We can stay Radical. It's a heart hing. Not a body thing.


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