Spillin' the Beans for Accountability - The Wahls Paleo Diet

I laid back down today, even after two cups of coffee. Heavy fatigue forced an attempt at rest.

Moments after my head sank onto my pillow though, our garage door began opening and closing right under my bed. The room shook. The grinding continued. So with my best British accent, I called my spouse and asked why the garage door was engaged in an exercise routine this morning.

Hubby explained he was trying to program the remote control into his fine, fancy car.


Quiet ensued. But two phone calls later I gave up on sleep and made a green smoothie: 1 can of red grapefruit, 2 clementines, a cup of broccoli, 2 cups of kale, and a cup of ice.

While I can't claim 100% consistency yet, I've taken steps towards the Whals Paleo Diet. My main focus remains swallowing nine cups of varied veggies a day while avoiding gluten and dairy. Smoothies make the goal easier to accomplish. So I experiment with different combinations almost every day.

After ten good days, weekend events threw me off track. But I'm back at it again, knowing medical science doesn't have too many answers for me and my fragile body. After eighteen months of adding varied supplements to my daily regime and seeing a difference, swallowing food as medicine is the next reasonable choice.

It's not always easy. But it's the next step in honoring my body as a God given vessel. So I'm spilling the beans, putting this out there in black and white, to keep myself accountable.

And if you haven't seen this video, it's worth your time. I was most intrigued by the fact she mentions several supplements I've been taking. I've since purchased her book and spend more time in the produce section. Even ate heart of palms last week which is very grown up of me.

Yes, I still drink morning coffee. But maybe, just maybe, that will change some day too.

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