A Cat and a Nap Safe in my Lap

Last week, I discovered that I love Starbuck's vanilla iced coffee. Just thinking about it stirs longing.

It happened by accident.

I'd spent the night at Sam and Courtney's downtown apartment to be closer to my morning destination. But when I woke early and couldn't find their brew, I decided to buy some on the way. However, that plan derailed when Nathan called in need of help.

By the time I could stop at a Starbucks around noon, I was in desperate need of a caffeine fix. And coffee never tasted so good. The cool, strong liquid, mixed with just the right amount of vanilla-flavored sweetener, revved me up for my next appointment - a meeting with the surgeon.

Dr. Tucker explained that he will surgically fix my foot in three ways. First, he'll partially release the plantar fascia that runs from my heel to the front of my foot. Then he'll realign my first metatarsal and position it with a plate. Lastly, he'll make a small incision on the outside of my foot and sew the tendons together, hoping to strengthen them.

It sounds a little scary, but since he's comfortable performing it as an out-patient procedure, I'm hoping that means the recovery will be a little easier.

One can always hope. And drink vanilla iced coffee.

In the mean time, I received the final proofs for my book and am almost finished notating corrections. It feels surreal. After twenty months of work, my story will be in print. Soon! 

My foot may be failing. But a dream is coming true.

As I worked on my lap top in Bonnie's chair today, Eggs, my tabby cat, jumped up and tiptoed onto my lap. Since she rarely snuggles, I made room, stopped typing, and grew still.

Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she nestled onto my lap. When I settled my arm near her head, she burrowed against it and curled up for a nap.

Surprised, I sat still. Frozen in place. Uncomfortable, even.

For it's been several weeks since Eggs has stopped in my lap. Normally she begs to play by sprawling on the floor, stretching her arms and legs, and looking my way with a sweetness that beckons me to her side. 

Yet when I give way to temptation, she bats at my hands with her paws and nips at my frail skin with her sharp teeth. So lately I've ignored her, allowing my skin to heal.

But today, the soft, feisty kitty let down her guard so I could love her just a little. As I held her, I imagined the God of Heaven loving me.

Life can be confusing.

Good things flow as the bad things churn. Since they're often woven together into the fabric of our lives, the combination can keep us off kilter... or drive us to the place of rest, the refuge of love.

He's waiting, always. Only a prayer and a time-out away. He'll play cat and mouse to a point, but prefers deep, meaningful connection with us, His creation.

Oh to be still and know.

photo credit: Abbey Road via photopin (license)
photo credit: IMG_0067 via photopin (license)
photo credit: via photopin (license)
photo credit: Britt Iced via photopin (license)
photo credit: Daisy via photopin (license)


  1. Wow Susan-that's so great about your book, what an achievement:) I look forward to reading it too!I loved your choice of song-I've just listened to it and it's very apt for me at the moment. I feel far from Him, I miss Him yet know that He never leaves me-I have not been turning to Him and so the perceived distance grows..Anyway,love to you-thank you for using your gift of writing and music on your blog to bless me and many others. Vicky

  2. Thanks, Vicky. Very sorry you're struggling. You'll like my book then because it details my journey back from a dark time - a time when hope and faith seemed distant and unable to reach. We all battle those times. Fighting through them is what counts. Hang in there. Keep fighting. And thanks always for posting. Love you!

  3. Best wishes on a successful foot surgery. Looking forward to reading your book. I know you have a lot to share. Keep me posted.


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