Wherever Your Steps May Lead

Just down the hall from the registration tables at Vacation Bible School, a break room holds food, water, and... coffee. By mid-morning, I indulged a second time, succeeding only in accelerating my thoughts as the body tired.

Hours later, when I attempted to nap a second time, my phone buzzed more than normal, rousing me. Family members answered a Facebook call one-by-one, with half the participants joining from across the ocean.

Nathan, my oldest, two of his cousins, and a friend are traipsing through Germany and Austria for several weeks. The phone call confirmed they're having fun, and recent photos reminded me of why I enjoyed two visits to that part of the world many, many years ago.

I confess, it's odd to realize my son is off seeing the world while participating in VBS seems like a big accomplishment for me. But I'm happy to report my foot seems to be healing.

When I saw my doctor ten days ago, he ordered x-rays to confirm a stress fracture wasn't causing my added pain. With all bones deemed as they should be, he told me to come back for a steroid shot in a few weeks if the pain persists.

Look close and you will see the staple-type device they inserted in my first metatarsal to change the angle of the bone. It's one of three procedures done to put my foot straight again.

In hopes of avoiding more needles, Don and I went shoe shopping. With my recently flattened, now size 9 right foot, it's a challenge to match my high arched, size 8 1/2 left foot. But a pair of Birkenstock sandals surprised me and left me hopeful.

A pedicure might be in my future.

I helped with VBS set up last night. I cut strips of yellow duct tape that another mom stuck on the hallways floors, turning carpet into a thoroughfare. The yellow stripes curve in a few paces for added fun. But most importantly, I made a new friend in the process.

Rhoda and I didn't just build a road, we started a friendship. Walking the halls of my church enriched my life simply because I journeyed there with another.

No my feet won't carry me to Europe these days or across another ocean for an adventurous mission trip. But my slowed steps took me far enough two weeks ago that these girls were able to perform our year end recital play.


The day after our show, I went out for an hour and promptly headed back to bed for the rest of the day. It took many more days before ordered reigned in my home and life came back to my bones
because I just couldn't take many steps that week.

But just yesterday I built a highway in our church. A road that a hundred kids or so can follow as they trek to and from classes, learning more about Jesus.

My steps aren't taking as me as far as I'd like to go. But they're taking me far enough to make a difference.

How about yours?

Cause you never know where a few steps may lead.


  1. For several years I was the lead games person in VBS. That couple hours took all that I could muster. The value in children's lives will only be found in the hereafter. I miss my bi-weekly "boys club" that I had to leave behind when we moved for medical needs.

    1. It was hard for me to accept the registration table was all I could manage. I used to lead classes or music, engaging the kids all day. I can't imagine leading the games!! The person we were always resides somewhere inside, even as the body declines. Thus the daily challenge to value small steps! Blessings to you! Always!


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